Business Partners


Beijing PuKang Inc.

The bioTenzor product line has been developed in close coperation with Beijing PuKang and will produced at Beijing PuKang's medically certified factory in ChongQing, China. The bioTenzor product line will be sold in China by Beijing PuKang, and in the Asian region by Boustead Healthcare.

Jason Jia, CEO at Beijing PuKang has built a succesful company during the last 25 years, selling medical capital equipment to high end Universities and Olympic training centers. Beijing PuKang became a part of Boustead Healthcare in Singapore in 2018.



aktivKONZEPTE is a Busines partner to the bioTenzor project with their in depth knowledge of Display software for fitness & rehab equipment.

aktivKONZEPTE was founded by Dr. Stefan R. Schönthaler in 2002. Besides commissioned work, including the Medion AG, the team has developed the aktivSYSTEM/gym80-Software for training regulation and documentation. Since 2007, the software has been continuously expanded and evolved, and is now the underlying platform serving multiple manufacturers in the fitness and health market.


Aalborg University

The team behind the bioTenzor product line has had a long strategic partnership with Aalborg University (AAU), Department of Energy Technology, for more than 15 years. AAU is one of the leading universities in the world within energy technologies, including electrical motors & drives.

More than 20.000 students are enrolled at AAU of whom approximately 20% are international students from different countries around the world. The university employs approximately 2.000 faculty and 800 administrative/technical staff.



Eden Sport Private Institute for Performance Diagnostics, medical training and consulting in professional Sports and Medicine was established in 2000 by Helmut Hoffmann. He has more than 35 years in Pro-Sport rehabilitation after sport injuries (various athletes from National Teams in Football and Olympiv Teams), is involved in innovation and R/D process with various partners (Life Fitness, adidas etc.) and - based on his clinical expertise - focus more and more in consulting projects to create sport medical department conceptions for pro-sport clubs and/or rehabilitation facilities. Based on this longterm expertise he became an internationally recognized author, speaker and lecturer.